Hugo Grotius is best known as a legal scholar (Mare liberum, De iure belli ac pacis) and as a politician in Oldenbarnevelt's entourage. He was also interested in philology (he more
This project aims to reveal the connections between linguistic patterns and text-historical developments in a corpus of metrical paratexts in Byzantine manuscripts, situating these connections in the historical context of more
This project aims to chart and trace the dynamics and impact of the neo-avant-garde in Flemish literary magazines (1949-1979). These magazines are conceived as both a discursive network and an more
Epic poetry has traditionally been considered a male genre, written by and for men. This project seeks to contest this view by drawing attention to a corpus of epic poetry more
Genialität und Virtuosität sind (schon der Etymologie nach) in der (deutschen) Literatur- und Kunstgeschichte stark mit Männlichkeit verknüpft, während weibliche Abweichung von der Norm nur in beschränktem Maße gewürdigt bzw. more
Didactic poetry was a popular genre in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. After a lull in production between the 6th and 10th century, we see a resurgence of Greek didactic more
What is the difference between magic and miracle? Scholars today believe that it is not possible to reach clear definitions of ‘magic’ and ‘miracle’ capable of answering that question: theoretically, more
This project offers the first dedicated study of female-authored satire in Britain during an era often hailed as the Golden Age of Satire (ca. 1670-1760). Scholars of the long eighteenth more
Ecological issues occupy an ever-growing place in contemporary literature. I intend to examine how francophone novels and novellas by Maghrebi, Sub-Saharan and Indian Ocean islands authors address the environmental problems more