Torsten Wiedemann graduated in economic sciences in 1992 at Hamburg University/Germany. He moved to Belgium and graduated in geography at GhentUniversity in 1996. Since then he worked as GIS-expert in different departments at the Universities of Ghent and Brussels:
Human Ecology/VUB 2000-2011:
2000: A GIS-supported monitor for accessible urban green areas, MIRA-S.
2003-2004: A GIS for accessible urban green areas in Aalst, Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent, Kortrijk and Leuven, MIRA-T 2004.
2005-2006: Indicators for public green spaces (in co-operation with the department 'Bos&Groen', Flemish Government).
2006-2007: Preparatory study for the federal environment reporting (in cooperation with the FOD public health/Environment, Belgian Federal Government).
2007-2011: Computer- and Website administrator of the Department Human Ecology.
2008-2010: A database for the implementation of EMS in primary schools in South Africa & Mozambique.
2011: SECOA-project - Solutions for Environmental contrasts in Coastal Areas in Belgium.
GhentUniversity since 1997:
1997-1999: A GIS for the reconstruction of Roman roads and field systems in the Civitas Menapiorum (Archaeology Department).
1997-1999: An Atlas of the Relics of Traditional Landscapes in Eastern and Western Flanders (Department of Regional Geography).
2000-2001: Confrontation of the FSCC level I soil plots with the Soil Geographical Database of Europe and calculation of Critical Loads in Flanders Region (Laboratory of Soil Science)
2001-2006: A historical GIS for the Belgian territorial structure 1800-2000 (History Department).
Since 2009: GIS-expert at the History Department, Quetelet Centrum
Project 'LOKSTAT':
Project 'POPPKAD':
Project 'STREAM':
Expertises: GIS, Database management, Website design (html/css, php, mySql), historical GIS, historical statistics, Environmental Management, Ecoschools, Urban Greening.