I am an Associate Professor of English Literature at the Department of Literary Studies, Ghent University. I completed my PhD on gender, genre and the nineteenth-century sonnet in 2007. As a postdoctoral fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO, 2009-15), I specialised in Victorian periodicals, with particular focus on periodical poetry and women’s contributions to the periodical press. I am the author of Lives of the Sonnet, 1787-1895: Genre, Gender and Criticism (Ashgate, 2011) and Women, Work and the Victorian Periodical: Living by the Press (Palgrave, 2015; runner-up 2015 Robert and Vineta Colby Scholarly Book Prize), and the founding editor-in-chief (2016-24) of the Journal of European Periodical Studies. In 2015-21, I directed the ERC Starting Grant project “Agents of Change: Women Editors and Socio-Cultural Transformation in Europe, 1710-1920". "Agents of Change" won the 2022 ESPRit Prize for digital projects and/or print research in European periodical studies. I am currently writing a book on the poetry of the British militant suffrage movement.