The development of a web-app to facilitate communication with foreign mothers in the health care sector

Dienstverlening voor iedereen. De ontwikkeling van een web-app voor communicatie met anderstalige moeders in de zorgsector
Start - End 
2015 - 2016 (completed)
Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication
Research Period 
Research Region 
Additional tags 
Qualitative research



The aim of the project was to design and develop an interactive app to facilitate the communication between service providers of Kind & Gezin (Child & Family), the organization that monitors childcare for the Flemish authorities in Belgium, and foreign mothers with limited Dutch proficiency (lower than or equal to A1, CEFR). The multimodal app, available on hybrid Windows 10 touch pc’s (tablet+pc), groups various support tools, such as videos, images, pictograms, icons, translations, spoken messages in foreign languages and telephone or webcam interpreting. Besides developing the app, we have also measured the intrinsic impact of the app on service quality and gauged practitioner and client satisfaction. With the project, we wanted to give a boost to working with multimodal devices in the communication with ethnic minority clients.




